Lucky John presents a novelty in 2016 — a series of unique composite wobblers-minnow with an original design, the ANTIRA SWIM 115. The small tail serves as an additional lure for predators when the wobbler moves. The special trait of wobblers from this series is their unique play, which they demonstrate both during jerking and even guiding. ANTIRA SWIM 115 is simply irreplaceable when you need to guide the lure practically on the surface while uncovering at the same time all the unique possibilities of its play. This wobbler is designed for point fishing in certain water areas. It lures in even passive predators. Wobblers of this series come in two versions — floating and of neutral floating ability, which ensures a wide scope of application.
Antira Swim 115F, 115SP
SKU: ANT115Depth (m) | 0–0,8; 0,5–1,2 |
Length (cm) | 11,5 |
Type | Floating; Suspending |
Weight (g) | 14; 15 |
Colour | 101; 103; 104; 121; 201; 301; 701; 703; 704; 705; 706 |